Sand & Fill Materials

mason, bunker, volleyball, sand

Mason Sand

Washed & screened to 1.5 mm top size. Used for masonry work, stucco and also is popular for volleyball courts, sandboxes, under swimming pool liners, etc.

Washed Coarse Sand

Washed Coarse Sand

Washed & screened to 1/4″ top size. Used for concrete mix, mound septic systems, ice control and is also popular for sandbox play sand.

Select Granular Sand

Select Granular Sand

Screened sand that meets select granular sand specifications (<12% 200) for road building, etc.

Select Granular Sand

Screened Fill Sand

Screened sand (<15% 200) used for general fill, backfill, pipe bedding, etc.

Sandy Clay Fill

Sandy Clay Fill / Granular Borrow

Not processed. (<20% 200) Used for general fill applications such as backfilling, building pads, etc. Has enough clay to pack, but is sandy enough to make it relatively easy to work with. It is generally free of many large rocks.

Heavy Clay Fill

Not processed. Used for general fill applications, pond liner, etc. There are many different types and grades of this material. Can be hard to work with unless you have heavy equipment.

Please Note:
We also carry Granite Sand, Bunker Sand, Polymeric Sand, Volleyball Sand, & Salt/Sand Mix. Please refer to the “Specialty Products” section for these & other products.